Borned from the willingness of a team of young Cameroonian of multidisciplinary specialisations,which federate their efforts to efficiently meet the challenges facing the business environment characterised by the globalisation of economics and a stiff competition between companies,

AS2C CAMEROUN is a legal renowned Cameroonian firm specialised in Civil,criminal, Business law, and providing legal advices and litigation.

In addition, due to it a polyfunctional binding AS2C CAMEROUN also provides financial analyses, Accounting, Audits and Projects Management assistance for the development of individuals, communities and business partnerships.


The firm is composed of specialists and high graduates of national and foreign universities with an importance professional background and skills acquired from courts,tribunals, national and international institutions and organisations.

We hold ourselves to the respect of ethical rules and conventions governing business organisations this is why the firm and its employees observe whatever activity concerned the strict confidentiality and respect of professional ethics with regard to information in the course of our professional duties and total independence of interest and attitudes in our relationships with our clients.

The firm has a half dozen professional staff dedicated to legal, financial, auditing, opinions and projects management for local and foreign business partnerships.


AS2C CAMEROUN is a Firm that brings together multidisciplinary experts. Its organizational structure and management system is as follows:


Nous sommes des experts

parce que nous sommes dans ce domaine depuis très longtemps.

  • Aujourd'hui, nous continuons à offrir à la fois des consultations, de l'assistance et des conseils complets tant sur le plan juridique que sur le plan fiscal et financier .

  • Toutes nos prestations

Notre objectif est d'impacter positivement et d'une manière très significative la vie de nos clients. Ceci est confirmé par nos clients qui demandent de plus en plus nos conseils.

.............Le Promoteur de AS2C CAMEROUN